Tuesday, October 07, 2008

So much time, so little to do... wait, scratch that, reverse it


I feel like I'm scrambling for time. I know a lot of that is because of moving and still having so many things that I'm having to spend time doing related to that move and settling in. I think it also has to do with how much more time D and I are spending outside of the house, meaning I have at least one less nap time during which to get things done. I'm skimming blog posts and articles I want to read, I'm starting to take more photos again but I still feel like I have so little time or energy left to do much with them after uploading. No time to watch any editing tutorials, or try out anything other than simple touches on Picasa3. And since being so busy and tired, inspiration is also lacking a bit. I know it will come back eventually, when things settle down around here, but I also don't want to settle into a routine of "oh, I'll have time for that later..."

D and I went to Ikea this morning, were in and out with everything on our list in 30 minutes. I know, I could hardly believe it, too. We'll have to go back again before long as we'll need to buy lamps for our house before moving in, but first I'll need to go over there and assess how many we'll actually need. I did pick up a few picture frames today, and hopefully over the next couple weeks I can spend some time deciding on some pictures to print to put in them. I'm also trying to think of ideas for decorating D's room-- I'm very tempted by wall decals like the ones in these etsy shops, or I could buy some cute prints, or just frame my own. So many choices...

D's solid-food strike may be drawing to a close. Woot! He ate a bunch of pears this morning, and had a few good bites of avocado this evening. I got my new food processor and Top 100 Baby Purees book today. Hopefully I can spend a bit of time looking through the book and planning out food to make for D. You know, along with reading the Baby Signs book I picked up at a local used bookstore the other day, and everything else on my to-do list these days... ; )


  1. 30 minutes has to be an IKEA record!

  2. Anonymous11:19 PM

    I love that you've been posting pics with each post. You should keep doing that.

    I fixed the link...thanks for the comment.

  3. i know what you mean about inspiration lacking when you are busy. I finally cleaned out my craft cabinet the other day and decided to make myself start a small project, its been months since ive touched my knitting needles or sewing machine, always saying there will be time for that later.

  4. wow, you got a car! that was fast. enjoy the stick. :)
    as for your lack of inspiration, if anything Marce, know you simply ARE an inspiration. (come on, how many mamas can run through Ikea in 30? dang!) and remember that things are always changing, so i'm betting your inspiration is right around the corner. no worries, lady. oh, and you rock.



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