Monday, June 04, 2007

Lazy Sunday, turns into a Productive Monday

I spent all day yesterday basking in absolute lazedom. Total and complete. The rain actually seems to have subsided and it was nice and sunny all day, but I spent it mostly in my PJ's, flitting around on the computer, scrapbooking a bit, and watching some of the Friends 10th Season DVDs we bought along with our DVD player last week (BTW I never understood the whole Joey-and-Rachel hookup, made no sense at all... like they just needed a filler storyline or something). Sierra, the ever faithful kitty, spent much of the day sleeping sweetly on my lap. It was actually a pretty nice day, all in all. =)

Today it's back to the regular schedule. It's actually my last week of French class... it will be nice to sleep in a bit more after it's over. I need to devote some serious study time on my own, actually... all the verb tenses are getting so mixed up in my head, not to mention all the new ones the class seems to have covered in my absence. After class I stopped by the post office to pay a bill and send off a book as part of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Books. Woot! In turn, I should be receiving The Kite Runner soon. I love the idea of this books-sharing forum, we'll see how it all plays out.

Good news! I think Zach and I will be making our way over to the states in late August/early September. We're hoping to make the rounds in both California and Texas, and be able to attend the wedding festivities for both Ankur & Subha and Karen & Benjamin. This is totally exciting news, as we really have been wanting to go to Ankur's Indian wedding. Things aren't really set yet, but Zach thinks he can arrange to have some work to do states-side during that time so that he has to use less vacation time. We'll see. I'll keep y'all posted. ; )

And now, I need to be on my way to get some grocery shopping done...

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