Philip and Ryan playing with Donovan.
Ryan was so excited to see her cousin, it was beyond adorable. I thought she might get over the excitedness after a day or 2, realizing that babies don't really do much after all, but nope! During thr whole weekend, and the rest of the week that she was in Austin with us, wherever Donovan went, she wanted to go, too.
My sisters playing Mastermind.
We let Joey baby-sit one night. She did pretty well.
"Don't tell Aunt Jenny, but I just pooped...."
Lindsey playing with D, after a dip in the lake.
We HAD to make a stop in Corsicana, TX, to check out this infamous fruitcake bakery.
And the kind-of annual family photo:
We've been taking these shots since... well, I think the first one I remember was taken the day before Zach and I got married, so that was 4.5 years ago. This time we included Zach's parents, and my dad (way in the back there) since they joined us for the weekend. Unfortunately Cristina's new husband was not able to make it in time for the picture... hopefully we do an update at christmas-time and get him in, too. Unfortunately we're not always great about planning ahead for these, which is why half the people are wearing matching black shirts... and the other half aren't. Ah well, it lends a cool effect anyway, no? ; ) (btw my step-brother- the one holding Joey- and his wife are pregnant, so D will be getting another cousin later this year!)
Great pic!