They left Monday around mid-day, when D was supposed to be napping but refused to. Which in a way worked out better, since he got to then watch and wave good-bye as they pulled away in the car and started their drive back to SF. At least that gives him a more concrete "ending" to their visit, I suppose. I do wonder what it's like for him right now, when he's old enough to remember these visiting family members well, and look forward to their visits when I say they'll happen, but I still wonder how much he understands as far as why they suddenly show up one day, stay for a while, then are suddenly gone again. It's gotta be confusing for him... but, he deals with it fairly well. Other than one minor tantrum as Jen and Daddy were loading up the car because he wanted them to stay here. (and yes, my heart broke a little bit there)
D is getting to be much more social in his play. He used to like playing with his cars by himself... now he constantly asks Zach or I to "play the game" with him (which basically means just roll his cars around together). When we go to a playground I see him watch the other kids, get excited at the games they're playing, and sometimes even try to join in. It's really cute to watch, and also makes me anxious thinking about the complicated world of social interactions that he's just beginning to enter. I hope he inherited his dad's outgoing nature and ability to reach out and make friends easily (something that was always much harder for me). Just thinking about watching him face rejection, even by random kids at the playground that he may never see again, makes my heart sink.
Yesterday D and I took a nap together on his bed. When he woke up he sat up and started talking about his old friend Scarlet, who used to live on our street in San Jose, and how she used to ride bikes with him, and he went on for a good 5 minutes about her and playing at her house, and how she liked to come to our house, too, and play with the toys in his room, etc. He hasn't seen her in 3-4 months, yet suddenly she just popped into his head. It, again, makes me sad to think of this friend he had who he'll likely never see again... but he didn't seem sad about it at all (he did say something about her driving to our new house to play). He is making friends with a boy who lives across the street, though he's quite a bit older (7yrs old). His older sister baby-sits for us from time to time. D and the boy, Marky, have gotten together a few times to ride their bikes or whatnot, and after each time D will talk non-stop about him. It's really adorable. Today they played for several hours in the afternoon, and when Marky had to go back home D cried and cried. He was just having so much fun playing with his new buddy.
By the way... you know how some recent studies have de-bunked the theory that sugar causes hyperactivity in kids? I kinda believe it. Honestly, I have never seen sugar do anything close to what Marky's presence did to D today. He was bouncing off the walls, just off the sheer excitement of playing with a new friend. It was pretty remarkable to watch. ; )
I've often noticed the same thing. We've had several students just suddenly 'move on' from our preschool. Literally, here one day and gone the next. I often wonder why the children don't get more upset, or ask more questions, or just 'miss' their friend more.
ReplyDeleteIt's strange, but then it sort of makes sense, when you think that children don't really have a concrete sense of time until about 5. I'm in the preschool class, where they're actually turning five and hitting that stage right in front of me. Up until that point, it seems like everything that happened before today, just happened 'yesterday'. They don't really comprehend time, so they don't really get the emotion of 'I haven't seen this person in so long'.
Then, when they do finally ask, you give them a reason, and they just say, 'oh'. Maybe it's because they don't really understand the concept of 'never'? Never seeing them again? Who knows.
But toddlers/children are fascinating to watch. I just try not to think too hard sometimes about why they do some things; especially the maddening things. It just might make my head explode! ;)
So cute how he's so into the 18 wheeler, his Abuelito and Auntie Jen, and his new (and old) friends... Will be interesting to see how his sense of time and distance and missing people who show up, go away, come back, or not, develops.
ReplyDeleteSugar's impact I believe is a very individual thing -- maybe kindof like alcohol, that it doesn't effect everyone in the same way, or different times the same way. You just need to know how it affects YOU, or your kid... and getting stimulated by activity with friends is quite a high - and much nicer than sugar or drugs... You get to plan I guess who comes over for how long when it gets to be an issue, huh?
D has two parents who are very social in different ways, and what a lovely little learning lab your home is. :)