Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Donovan is in bed, Zach is at his weekly Spanish class, and my in-laws are somewhere along the train-then-taxi route back south after spending a few days in San Francisco. In other words, I'm enjoying that rare occurence upon which I'm at home alone, with free time on my hands and no one to tend to. I should be taking this time to edit more of the photos from yesterday morning. Instead, I am feeling physically and emotionally drained from the hot weather and some extended-family in-fighting that has completely taken me by surprise. So I think instead I will curl up in bed with Jhumpa Lahiri until Hank and Susan arrive, or Zach gets home, whichever comes first.


  1. lahiri is SUCH a great author! i've read everything she's written, and can't wait for more!

  2. I want to see these flowers on a card! :)



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