Monday, November 22, 2010

Take a gander!

I thought it'd be fun to have people guess just when this baby will make his grand entrance.  So, here's the deal. Leave a comment with your guesses for the following:

1. Date of birth (can include time of day if you feel extra prescient/lucky).
2. Baby's birth weight

My official due date is December 11, which means baby could come anytime between now (37 wks 2days) and Christmas Day (42wks).

(In case you want to take this into consideration, D was born at 39wks 6 days (barely- 1:30am), and was 7lb 15oz at birth)

So... what do you think?  ; )


  1. oooh, fun stuff!

    my guess: december 8 (my sister's birthday :) at noon weighing 7# 6oz.

  2. Hmmm...

    December 8th; 7 lbs. 7 oz.

    Can't wait to read how it goes!! Having two is challenging, but so wonderful. :)

  3. December 5 weighing in at 7 lbs 14 oz.

  4. My own guess: December 3 (mainly b/c that would work awesomely with the fact that our wedding anniversary is Jan 3, and D's birthday is Feb 3). Weight... hmmm I'll say 7lb 10oz.

  5. wait wait wait...let me get this straight. Due date is 12-11-10????

    Oh man.

    My guess:

    born on 12-11-10 at 9 o' clock weighing 8#7oz.

    see what I did there?

    ps: My word verification (not even joking) is "winner"

  6. D came a week early (you say he was on time, but you neglect to mention he skipped week 13 when gestating...), so I say Vince Colt will be a week late.

    December 18.

  7. December 15th; 8 lbs, 5 ounces.

    Can't wait to meet him.



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