So, general life update. Zach's first week at work went fairly well. It sucked to have him be away all week, but he made it a lot easier on us by cooking lots of food the weekend before so we could get by on leftovers for most of the week. I also called up Ms Pam again and started leaving D with her a few mornings a week from now till we move. On thursday Jenny came down for the day to hang out with us, which turned out to be pretty much perfect timing since I felt like a zombie that day and could hardly keep my eyes open. I took a 3 hour nap mid-day. Zach drove the Fit (usually my car) to Sacramento, which meant D and I drove the CR-V all week which left quite an impression on D-- he kept talking about how "Daddy drove Mommy's car to Sacramento!" By Thursday he did start asking about when Daddy would come back. And the way his face lit up on Friday evening when he heard Zach at the door was PRICELESS.
This morning Zach drove D up to San Francisco with him, where he played basketball with Andrew while Jakki watched D. She ended up taking him by a fire station where the firemen let D get up in the fire truck! They were gone till 3pm, and believe it or not I spent a good bit of that time lying in bed. Some days I feel pretty ok, a bit more tired than usual, but manageable. Then I have days like the past 3 where I can hardly function b/c I'm so tired. I'm about 11 weeks along now, and believe you me I am counting down then days till the end of this first trimester in hopes I regain a bit of energy again. This is rough... and I feel bad for D, since instead of getting to go to the park and do other fun things, we spend much more time at home. He's been a trooper, though, thankfully entertaining himself some and spending a lot of time playing out in the patio.
So, we'll have tomorrow all together as a family, and then Monday morning Zach's off to another week of work away. At least it seems we're close to having our housing situation settled (we're waiting to hear back from one place, should be able to make a decision in the next day or two). It will be so nice to have that figured out-- have an address, set up a moving day, have a plan.
Hope the house hunting finishes up quickly for you along with all that tiredness.