Tuesday, April 15, 2014

the carousel horse

We found this little musical carousel toy in a small toy store in Lyon, France, back in 2008. D was 6 months old at the time, and we were rapidly approaching the end of our expat days and our return to the US, and wanted to take a last weekend trip to a city we had been so taken by on our previous visit. The store had a series of these wooden carousels, each playing a different song. We discovered this one which played, of all things, Dixieland...the cultural clash was too much for us to take and we had to buy it. The toy is adorable and I have tried to photograph it many times but have never quite been able to capture it the way I want to, the way I want the picture to look like in my head.

Then recently as I was searching the house for subjects for my latest roll of film I saw the carousel and tried again. That vintagey/nostalgic feel of film must have been what I've been missing all this time, because I think I finally nailed it.


In other news, I recently heard about this new website called Exposure that's like a photoblog platform on steroids-- they provide a beautiful and simple way to showcase photo essays. You can publish up to 3 posts on their free account, so I played around with it some. Then yesterday I got an email from the Exposure team saying they had chosen one of my posts to be featured s a staff pick! The other featured posts are so incredibly stunning, I feel a bit shocked and honored to have my own photos chosen to sit alongside theirs. It's a pretty cool feeling.

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