Sunday, January 10, 2010

six word sunday: Everything old is made cool again.

six word sunday challenge 

This was a very exciting week-- not only did the new computer come, but also two very fun things purchased with christmas money arrived.  One of them is a Fuji Instax Mini Instant Camera which puts out business-card sized polaroid prints.  These are the first 3 shots I've taken.  I'm learning, clearly (I thought Sierra was gonna be dead-center in the middle pic, till I remembered the space difference between where the viewfinder and lens are), but it's exciting and kinda fun. =P

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Hey Marcy. Thanks for answering my (Chile) question! I've been reading your blog for over a year now and love it.

    p.s. congrats on the new computer. Mac's are the best!



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