Saturday, October 17, 2009

In Grandparent Land

So we're in Austin.   We flew out yesterday morning, our first time to try the new route via Alaska Airlines, and frankly I might like them better than American.  I swear the seats were bigger.  D did fine on the plane, even slept for a little bit.  Still exhausting to entertain him for 3hrs, but hey it could be A LOT worse.

The whole grandparent posse was awaiting us at the airport, all super excited to get to see the beloved grandchild.  =P  We came back to mom's house, had something to eat (well, 3 bites for D...), tried to get D to take a nap (NOT happening), played some more, and then Lindsey and Ryan showed up for a little bit and you should have seen D's face when his cousin Ryan walked in the door, he was SO EXCITED.

And then bedtime came.  We decided to try having him sleep in a pack-n-play bed.  It took a while and a few tears to get him to sleep, partially b/c the poor child was so incredibly overtired and overstimulated not to mention that he hardly ate anything other than cheddar bunnies and yogurt puffs all day.  But. he eventually went to sleep... then woke up crying around 9 or 10pm.  Then again at 11.  Then again at midnight.  Not to mention that he's showing signs of being able to climb out of the pack-n-play.  So I brought him into bed with me, and after about an hour of tossing and turning and really wanting to go to sleep but having trouble, he FINALLY conked out and slept in till 7:45am (his "usual" california time...).

As frustrated as I was about the night's sleep, he my heart melted when he woke up, looked around, and first thing out of his mouth was, "Ryan? Ryan?  Ryan!" And went off looking for his cousin.  Unfortunately (well, for us) she's off with her dad today, but he'll get to see her tomorrow.  Till then he's got plenty other people to keep him occupied.

Everyone's watching The Game right now, don't know what the day's plans might evolve into.  There were thoughts of finding a pumpkin patch to take D to.  Or maybe we'll just hang out.


  1. alaska has really good service. i'm not a fan of american airlines so much.
    glad to hear you guys made it safely!

  2. aww that is kind of sweet though! cecilia leaves monday afternoon and my mom, bro and godmother arrive wednesday. what are you doing tuesday ?



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