Friday, January 03, 2014

how long is it till spring again?

Just a few days ago, in Texas, we were doing this....

Brave boys. Playing on the cul-de-sac. #joysofsuburbia #yestherearesome I realize I'm being really obnoxious about this but seriously  you guys. This morning I was in snowboots in -15* weather. This afternoon I wore flip flops and it was 70*. Words cannot describe this happiness right now.

Now we're doing a lot of this.... 

Fun in the snow. Snowplows hadn't come through yet so we put the kids to work. #childlaborFTW #notatalleffective #butsupercute #tillsomeonegetsashoveltotheface Why yes that is a lot of snow. It hasn't stopped all day. upload upload

It is currently -17F outside right now. The highs during the day have been in the single digits. I suppose the silver lining here is that when it warms back up to the 20s and 30s it'll feel downright balmy in comparison...

Nice welcome back, New Hampshire. 

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