Sunday, February 04, 2024

hello, old friend

It's been over four years since my last blog post, and close to 10 years since I blogged with any regularity. That's...a long time. I've missed it. There are many reasons why I stopped writing, some of which I can blame on things like the death of Google Reader (I'll always mourn you), and life changes that meant that the sorts of things I'd be driven to write about were no longer topics I felt comfortable talking about publicly (eg. kids getting older and suddenly those parenting stories feel like more of a violation of their privacy and autonomy). 

Then last summer I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and there have been so many things about dealing with this diagnosis that have surprised me that I feel a drive to a) write about it as a way to process my emotions and experiences, and b) do so publicly to share my perspective in case that's useful to anyone else. I've often believed in making the invisible visible, it's a big part of why I wrote so honestly about parenting when my kids were little, and I'm feeling a similar impulse now. I've always appreciated reading other people's honest stories. It inspires me to put out into the world more of what I want to see. 

(I've also been taking pictures a bit more again, and may share those here as well in addition to instagram)

Over the past 6 months I posted updates about my cancer treatment on a Caring Bridge site, which was useful for that time but I think now I'll port those posts over here for the sake of continuity. Going back to "old school blogging" (it pained me a little to type that) feels a bit quaint and outdated, but I've got such a soft spot for it and, regardless of how many people read this, I like having this written record here. 

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